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South Florida Community,
New York & Connecticut
(305) 936 - 1002


Parents play a big role in their child’s therapy.  You are a central part of your child’s life and spend much more time with your child than your therapist does.  No matter how much progress a child is making during therapy sessions, the goal is that these gains are transitioned to home, school, and your child’s greater community.  To assist with transformative change, helping parents learn new skills and approaches can support your child’s overall therapeutic progress and can help you decrease your stress as well.  Learning how to respond to your child can give you the tools that you need to feel confident in your parenting skills.  At PPA we view therapy for your child as a team effort and we know that we can attain meaningful change together. As such, our team is trained and experienced in the following evidence-based techniques, such as Parent Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT) and Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE). We also provide workshops in and out of our practice to assist parents in developing key areas for children/teens.

Parenting Series


Missed our Webinars? Luckily, you still have the chance to tune in to our therapists expertise on: managing the family during COVID-19, coping with anxiety, promoting social skills during social distancing, as well as helping with healthy body image and relationship with food.

Weathering the Storm- Supporting Each Other During COVID-19

Como Preservar Nuestra Salud Mental y la de Nuestro Hijo/a

Eating Disorders and Body Image: A Healthy Start

Ayudar a Nuestros Hijos a Sobrellevar la Ansiedad

Do’s & Do Not’s of Co-Parenting

Parenting Hacks to Help Your Child/Teen Cope with Anxiety

Promoting Social Understanding & relationship Fundamentals

Desarrollando y Entendiendo Las Habilidades Sociales

Coping with Transitions in the Age of COVID-19
